Le Planet De Echo

Welcome to the small planet (aka blog) of moi! I am Echo. Just Echo. I used to have so much spare time that I could actually update my blog regularly, but things have gotten a bit busy. That and I suppose I don't lead the most gripping life, but I try! Read on and Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I blame Lilac

You people just watch. I'm going ot have a cuncussion because Lilac. Going through walls is so totally not fun.

Hey hey! I'm all alone right now though. So quiet. ahhh, finally. Okay, I lied Gemini and Crab are here. So is Tilla but they are in the other room.

Lilac isn't here! Lilac isn't here! Ugh...my head....

I took a benedryl last night and BAM I was out. I tried to fight it, but I felt like I was swimming in circles. So I basically passed out. What's new with that stuff, right? So this morning I took something else to clear my head and BAM I want to sleep but I am WIDE AWAKE and swimmy at the same time. It's kind weird...kinda cool. It works better than caffine. Doesn't really help with the headache...well it realieve the pressure. The asprin is what made it go away. Asprin...my newfavorite pain killer (baby chewable asprin to be exact) it works like BAM with just one!

Yeah, so I feel a little better than I did this morning.

Wish I could sleep...today was relaxing just the same, so I'm not complaining.
I'm just babbling. Trying to make conversation.

Whooooooooo spinny spinny....PEACH TEA yumyumyum...and chocolate....and cookies. I really love these Keebler Chocolate chip cookies. They have the perfect amount of sugar and asalt in them. They aren't really sweet sweet they are...just awesome. (Already ate half the box...oops). My room now smells like peach tea...which I need to reheat because i was stupid and heated it for 2 min. 30 sec and let it sit too long because it was too hot...not it's cold) and cookies...and it's cold...but too hot at the same time. WOW

I am so out of right now.
I blame Lilac. She keeps waking me up in the middle of the night AFTER keeping me up til 11 and then she trips me and makes me go through a wall. BLAME THE EVIL WITCH.


I want my tea. Need to go heat it up again...and get more cookies...yumyum.

I LOVE SONAR TO PEICES.....uh....Ray? Please don't take that literally....

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